Virtual CommissioningTM (VCxTM) is an innovative energy efficiency program which provides utilities with a mass market small and medium business (SMB) solution by capitalizing on AMI investment. Want to learn more?
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Power TakeOff expands Virtual Commissioning™ (VCx™) Program in the midwest by adding two new electric and gas utilities in the midwest region. For over a decade, Power TakeOff has been shaking up the energy efficiency industry, more recently with the innovative Virtual Commissioning (VCx™) Program. The ultimate win-win proposition, the VCx™ Program identifies and implements operational-focused efficiency improvements with no cost to its participants. Now, more small- and medium-size businesses and public institutions have access to these...

In 2002, the second edition of the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) said that whole building energy modeling, also known as Option C, should only be used for energy efficiency projects expecting to save greater than 10% of baseline consumption. However, the only data available for whole building modeling in 2002 was monthly billing data. Since 2007 AMI data has been revolutionizing the energy efficiency industry. IPMVP has kept pace with AMI deployment with...

In 2019, the Virtual Commissioning™ (VCx™) Program saved 14.4 GWh across 177 small and medium businesses, nearly doubling the initial goal of 8 GWh. Power TakeOff is proud to announce that the 2019 third-party evaluation results are in and the Virtual Commissioning™ (VCx™) Program continues to exceed expectations. As the sole program manager, Power TakeOff has implemented the VCx™ program in ComEd’s Illinois service territory, starting in 2016, and is continuing through 2020. At the request of ComEd, Power TakeOff continued to expand the VCx™ program and saved 14.4 GWh across 177 small and medium businesses (SMB),...

Founded in 2007, Power TakeOff celebrated the company’s 13th anniversary this summer by expanding our Denver, Colorado and Waterloo, Ontario teams. In many ways we’ve returned to where it all began 13 years ago as a bright eyed startup company working from our basements, bedrooms, and kitchen tables of our homes. The same ambition, passion and mission that the company launched from shines brighter now than ever before as we grow our team. Want to get to...