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Measuring Savings Persistence: Can You Handle The Truth?

Meet the Experts

Moderator: Eliot Crowe

Eliot Crowe is a Program Manager at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, supporting technical research on M&V, commissioning, data analytics, and other related areas. Prior to joining LBNL Eliot spent 10 years working on utility program implementation, technical research, outreach, and training for PECI and CLEAResult. Eliot provided technical and program management support to the California Commissioning Collaborative from 2009-2016, including a period as Executive Director from 2015-2016.

Panelist: Phil Degens

Phil Degens has been evaluating energy efficiency programs for over 35 years. He is currently the Evaluation Manager at Energy Trust of Oregon. He has been involved in the evaluation of C&I energy management and O&M programs in the Pacific Northwest as they moved from pilot programs in the late 1990’s to what are now a standard set of evolving services provided to gas and electric C&I customers. He enjoys baking bread.



Panelist: Faith DeBolt

Faith DeBolt became interested in measuring persistence of savings from performance-based programs over a decade ago while evaluating Puget Sound Energy’s Resource Conservation Management program. She has continued to explore this area through work for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Seattle City Light, and Washington State Department of Commerce among others by conducting interviews with regional stakeholders, compiling a catalog of study findings that included persistence, examining persistence of baseline conditions in the absence of program intervention, and developing energy use intensity targets. She also frequently participates in conversations about savings persistence with her colleagues and industry peers, including as part of her role on the Leadership Team of the Northwest Strategic Energy Management Collaborative.

Panelist: Todd Amundson

Todd Amundson is currently employed as the industrial engineer technical lead at Bonneville Power Administration in Energy Efficiency, where, amongst other things, he manages the development, training and application of BPA’s Measurement & Verification Protocols and Guidelines, including a Selection Guide. A new BPA Commercial and Industrial SEM M&V Reference Guide will be completed in March 2022. This body of work provides the BPA Pacific Northwest utility customer service territory with an overview of protocols, application and reference guides and documentation for determining verifiable, reliable energy savings. Todd currently serves on the EVO IPMVP technical committee and several subcommittees, as well as the Pacific Northwest SEM Collaborative leadership team and M&V working group.

Panelist: Anna Kelly

Anna Kelly currently the Head of Measurement and Verification at Power Takeoff, where she oversees, directs and coordinates over 1,000 energy efficiency projects a year while prioritizing scholarly activity around advancing high quality, reliable, and cost-effective strategies to arrest climate change. She is a certified measurement and verification professional and serves on the IPMVP technical committee. She has evaluated over 150 energy efficiency programs, including more than half of the SEM programs in the US and Canada. She designed and launched the statewide Industrial Strategic Energy Management program administered by the Colorado Energy Office. She serves the industry through research and has published 16 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, guidelines, and presentations to increase understanding of energy programs including designing measurement criteria, adapting to COVID-19 non-routine events, and using advanced M&V to measure SEM achievements and growth.